Monday, March 1, 2010

Our Dinner Was Stolen!

Yes! Really! Our tingkat dinner was stolen right from our doorstep today. We returned home to find that our tingkat dishes were not hanging at the door as usual. The empty tingkat containers that my hubby hang out in the morning was also missing. We came up with the conclusion that someone had stolen our dinner...

Jerome was none too happy. Remember the saying "A hungry man is an angry man"? Anyway, I said, whoever that person is, he must be very very hungry, he might be starving with a huge family...

Anyway, Jerome decided to do away with tingkat dinner soon in the future. He decided he can prepare sandwiches for dinner. I can't say I'm pleased to hear that. Imagine bread in the morning and bread again in the evening?

I'm starting to forget that just over 2 months back, I was preparing 3 proper meals a day in the kitchen... taking time to prepare every meal and taking pride that Jerome's enjoying the food. Those days seem to be over... Now, dinner's delivered to our doorstep in tingkat, cold. Now, meals are eaten just for the energy/routine?... Eat to live, rather than live to eat...

Really... For what do we toil all day? What quality of life are we talking about?

According to Dalai Lama, the purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness...
What's really my purpose in life?

1 comment:

  1. The Dalai Lama wouldn't be "The Dalai Lama" if he was wrong... the pursuit of happiness it should be.
