Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a sign! Make it 2! What about a 3rd?

After my post about my tough decision, I've recieved 2 responses. I'm quite surprised that there's still friends reading my blog given that I post so infrequently.

Anyway, I recieved an SMS from an ex-colleague yesterday after she read my post. She resigned from the teaching service about 2 years ago. She shared her experience and that she did not regret her choice of resigning then. She said that I should follow my heart. She suggested doing adjunct teaching at a school nearer to home.

Today, recieved a comment from yet another ex-colleague who resigned from the service about 5 years ago. She has since got a master degree (and getting another?) is now happily teaching and living in Hong Kong. She also did not regret her choice back then. She shared "Someone in his deathbed will not lament that he had not work hard enough or earn more money, but would regret not spending more time with loved ones and doing things that he like." Hmm...

So 2 ex-teachers encouraging me to resign...
Also thinking of another 2 friends who resigned from the service early this year.
And yes, this is only March...

Are these signs that I've been waiting for? Is a 3rd sign coming up?

Just like fairy tales, '3' seems like a magical number...
The 3 Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Magic Fish (that granted 3 wishes)...
you know what I mean...

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